Impact Analysis of Airport Noise on the Surrounding Urban Area

Description: The spatial representation of airport noise is commonly presented in a traditional 2D view, showing the sound curves in the urban environment to define the airport protection zone. Despite its importance, this 2D view does not allow the visualization of the noise distribution as accurate as it assumes the phenomenon with a homogeneous distribution.

The 3D geometry, particularly of buildings, is very important for simulating and mapping noise expansion (Seifert et al, 2017). Sound can expand according to the temperatures, terrain elevation, buildings, vegetation height and other three-dimensional variables found in its surroundings. In addition, the 3D view lets you check the decibel levels (dBA) found on different floors of buildings (Fig. 3). In this sense, this project proposes the elaboration of a 3D mapping using the Multifinal Register system to understand the different impacts caused by aeronautical noise.
