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Analysis of Management Strategies of Micro and Small Enterprises in the Naval Sector Operating in Brazil

Description: Small and medium enterprises account for the majority of jobs in OECD countries, and many represent a substantial slice of suppliers and consumers of large enterprises. Due to the low productivity in its operations, only a fraction survives and becomes a company with sustainable growth; Thus, studies show that low productivity is mainly explained by the lack of quality management of processes and decisions within the concept of Supply Chain, for example in purchasing, inventory management, demand planning and production, etc. Despite differences with large firms, common Supply Chain Management practices in use in small business training programs focus on large enterprise contexts in developing countries (eg Walmart, P&G, Zara, etc.), This minimizes the impact of adopting good business practices on small and micro enterprises in Latin America. Thus, this project aims to assist the project under development by the  Center for Tranportation and Logistics of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which is mapping and evaluating small and medium-sized logistics efficiency in Latin America. The scope of this project is to map and evaluate the same process initially in the field of naval engineering and later in other segments.



  • Jacy Fonseca
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