Acesso à informação

Andrea Holz Pfützenreuter

PhD in ArchitFotoecture and Urbanism at Mackenzie University / SP with CAPES research scholarship. In 2012, from February to July, she participated with the PDSE / CAPES scholarship at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität in Jena-Germany of the Human Geography research group. Specialist in Gerontology, Brazilian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SBGG). Master in Housing with emphasis in Planning, Management and Project by the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo (IPT 2008), specialist in Gerontology (UFSC 2010) and Social Project Management (SENAC-SP 2006). Architect and Urbanist at the University Center of Jaraguá do Sul (2004). She is currently a professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, UFSC Campus Joinville, part of the Management and Project Research Group – GP2.

Research Lines

  • Built Environment
  • Housing Planning, Management and Projects
  • Living Spaces

Research Projects


Room: U287

Curriculum Lattes