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Modelo de Uso do Solo e Transportes para Planejamento da Mobilidade Urbana em Cidades Brasileiras de Médio Porte

Description: The main objective of this research project, which includes post-doctoral work, under development at the Department of Transport Engineering of the School of Engineering of São Carlos, University of São Paulo, is to implement a method of adjusting a tool for sustainable mobility planning in medium-sized Brazilian cities and also assists in the formation of professionals for decision making in mobility policies. This tool is based on the Metropolitan Activity Relocator Simulator (MARS), which is a dynamic, integrated land use and transport model developed at the Vienna University of Technology, Austria, with a case study to be applied to a medium-sized Brazilian city, preferably São Carlos, SP. This project has an interinstitutional team of national and international researchers and aims to qualify transport education by introducing a better tool for integrated policy analysis for mobility plans. The use of the proposed method of vocational education and qualification through the use of tools capable of capturing the dynamic relationships between land use and transport and assessing policy impacts that integrate the various urban systems can contribute significantly in technical, scientific and political terms. From the economic, social and environmental point of view, it is expected to contribute to preventive urban planning, by applying the tool to medium-sized cities, where the impacts of lack of planning have not reached such high levels and can achieve more sustainable development.


  • Simone Becker Lopes (coordinator)
  • Cira Souza Pitombo (USP)
  • Thamires Ferreira Schubert (UNIASSELVI)


  • Kelvin Centenaro Sobé (Mastering)
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