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Joinville Sustainable Urban Mobility Integrated Project

Description: The main objective of the project is the application of MARS (Metropolitan Activity Relocation Simulator) model in Joinville, for analysis of sustainable urban mobility policies and application as a teaching tool. Development of the MARS system, which was first calibrated for the city of Vienna, began in 2000. Today it is a widely tested model and has undergone constant improvements with each new city where it is applied in sustainable urban development studies. Currently, MARS is being applied in 16 cities in Europe and Asia and is under development in the United States, in the city of Washington, D.C. (LOPES, 2010). MARS is a dynamic, strategic model that integrates land use and transport, whose basic assumption is that the settlements and activities within them are self-organizing systems. The model is based on principles of system dynamics (Sterman, 2000) and synergetics (Haken, 1983). Its development began in the year 2000, partly funded by European Union research projects. The MARS version is implemented in a System Dynamics programming environment at Vensim®, capable of analyzing different combinations of municipal and regional policies, assessing their impacts over a 30-year planning period (LOPES, 2010). Several indicators are calculated, such as: breakdown by means of transport; population distribution; fuel consumption; average travel time by means of transport; travel time saving; accident costs; pollutant emissions, for example, CO2; etc. These indicators can be presented as global values ​​over time (for each year) or as disaggregated values, by transport, by type of trip and by time of day (peak and off-peak), displayed in graphs or tables It is interesting to present the results to decision makers in a spatial way through thematic maps. Thus some results can also be displayed in terms of evolution in space and time, using the dynamic GIS tool (AniMap), developed specifically for use in MARS (LOPES, 2010).



  • Bruna Rocha Raupp
  • Felipe Goi Roecker
  • Francine Voltolini
  • Murilo Colin da Silveira
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