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Vanina Macowski Durski Silva

FotoGraduated in Agribusiness Production Engineering from the State College of Sciences and Letters of Campo Mourão (2002) and specialization in Agribusiness Management from Fesurv (2004). She holds the title of Master and Doctor in Production Engineering in the area of ​​Logistics and Transportation from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Post Doctorate by the National Post Doctoral Program (PNPD-CAPES) in the Department. Production Engineer at UFSC. She is currently Associate Professor IV of the Department of Mobility Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and is also Coordinator of the Autonomous and Dynamic Logistics Research Group that works in research and extension work focused on autonomous logistics and systems dynamics logistics. She is a member of the MIT Global SCALE Network: Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence. She worked as a production engineer in the area of ​​Production Planning and Control in large companies such as Perdigão Agroindustrial S.A., current Brasilfoods and Macedo Agroindustrial S.A, current Tyson Foods. She has taught in undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses of the lato sensu type, as well as acting as a consultant. Has experience in Production Engineering, focusing on Logistics and Transport, Port Logistics, Operational Research and Production Planning and Control, acting as a referee for national and international journals related to these areas, participating in projects with several universities, as well as have an active bibliographic production.

Research Lines

  • Port logistics
  • Maritime transportation
  • Port operation optimization
  • Planning and production control
  • Routerization
  • Autonomous and dynamic logistics

Research Projects


Room: U295

Curriculum Lattes

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