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Mobility Plans of Northeastern Santa Catarina Cities

Description: Urban mobility is one of the main challenges of cities today. Since 2012, Law 12.587-12, which established the guidelines for the National Urban Mobility Policy (PNUM), guides municipalities to plan the transportation and road infrastructure system for the circulation of people and cargo. In this context, this research seeks to systematize the stages of preparation of the Mobility Plan for the different realities of eight municipalities in the northeast of Santa Catarina, in order to meet the specific law. To this end, the research counts on the participation of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (teachers and students), society (population of the eight municipalities), the Government (secretariats and organs of each City Hall), as well as representatives of the Association of Municipalities. of the Northeast of Santa Catarina – AMUNESC, with the objective of drawing a methodological vision in the study of the stages of the elaboration of the plans of each of the cities, being all the plans integrated in a regional scale.


Financier: Northeastern Santa Catarina Municipalities Association – Research scholarship.

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